Monday, April 6, 2009

Missiles, Homosexuals, and Cheney's Death Squad


Now you should be thinking about their missile launch. If you aren't then you need to read/watch more news.

So NK launched a missile, that was supposedly carrying a satellite to put into orbit. Sad thing is...the missile didn't even make it into orbit. Oh North Korea, I try to be afraid of you, I really do, but its getting so hard these days. You have an asshole dictator who looks like a grandmother, your propaganda is on par with Nazi Germany, your communist...


Kim Jong Il isn't crazy by the way, just kinda an asshole and stupid. Very arrogant and full of himself it appears (if hes even still alive that is).

So they shoot a missile, some people think it was a test for future nuclear weapons or ballistic missiles. Some people also believe think Adam Lambert is attractive. Those people apparently are ok with skin worst than an 70 year old Floridian. I digress, Russia and China say "chill the fuck out" or something like that once the U.S., SK, and Japan all freak out about it. That quote may be a little out of context or something so don't cite me.

A number of people think it'd be a dandy idea to take Kim Jong Il out of power by force. Now there's multiple reasons this idea fails.

1.U.S. Morale

China will not tolerate an attack on North Korea, they made this clear multiple times, Russia has not but it has told the rest of the world to fuck off their business. If the U.S. wages war with NK it also goes against China and Russia. Good fucking luck starting World War 3.

Moving on...

Gay marriage in now legal in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Iowa.


Vermont recently passed it becoming the first state to do so by a legislative vote. The three other states had courts decide gay marriage is unconstitutional, which ironically enough, it is. So is the Defense of Marriage act which Obama has promised to repeal because it pisses on the constitution and the founding fathers graves. Its a bill that says no state must recognize same sex marriage despite whatever the federal government says.

And lastly...

Cheney had a secret assassination squad that went into foreign countries and executed specific targets by his request. ...Yay!