Monday, March 23, 2009

Get your fix

I'm in a cynical mood right now, I blame Fox News...

cynical; adverb;
"based on or reflecting a belief that human conduct is motivated primarily by self-interest"

Let me express my deep hatred for cynicism, nihilism, and negativity. I fucking hate them all, there, that's me expressing myself.

Shepard Smith needs to slowly die in a fire, God knows hes probably immune to hells flames since he sold his soul to Lucifer.
I mildly agree with him, but that hardly means hes 100% correct. Besides, if the penalty for being logical and sane is having Smith's smug and pretentious fucking attitude then I rather be as ignorant as I please. I'll fit in with new England's elitist fine thank you very much.

A.I.G. is too big to fall, sucks to hear but deal with it. If AIG falls then so do hundreds if not thousands of smaller businesses that use AIG. Admittedly, I'm not the most natural economist so I tend to avoid these kinds of issues, but just as the most ignorant American, I like to give my opinion regardless of my expertise. I strongly prefer social issues as I have a better grasp on them. Gun control, same sex marriage, welfare, immigration, these my philosophy's can handle and allow me to take a firm stance on. Economics are vastly complex and mentally stimulating. A bit too much sometimes, which makes me feel stupid, as I'm sure it does most people. Not to sound full of myself.

One thing that bothers me to no end is when people who don't understand shit about politics argue stupidly, for instance they'll use arguments like "McCain was a POW, he actually cares about veterans"

No actually that implementation doesn't work like that you retarded fuck. Here's the thing about that, McCain favors conservative principles, conservative principles do not support welfare type programs and government spending. Who happens to benefit from government welfare and spending? Veterans! Obama is the opposite, he supports programs that help veterans.

Linky link

See? That's my point, McCain would've scored higher if he promoted government programs for veterans. Too often average Americans assume and take personality into account. This is politics, we have no room for assumptions and painted on smiles. I'm just saying people should look into depth at their candidates issues and their voting records.