Monday, October 13, 2008

Thank you Sarah Palin

I did NOT wright this, I found it online and thought it was extremly good.

Thank you, Sarah Palin
for taking women - and men -
back a few notches so fast
we all got whiplash.

Thank you Sarah Palin for proving feminism right;
For showing that men and women are truly equal.

That women can be just as stupid
as the stupidest of men.

Like the men running the country
for most of the past decade.

And of course, Condi too.

Thank you Sarah Palin,
for flashing your girly smile,
and throwing back that silly Northern twang;
Your beauty queen charms warm the limp, lonely he♥rts
of Bill O'Reillys and Karl Roves everywhere.

Thanks for being the prettiest beard
for frustrated Republicans still in the closet.

Thanks Sarah Palin for charging rape victims
for their own rape kits, while preaching to us all
the joys of cherishing our rape babies.

Because life is precious -
until hunting season, that is.

Thank you Sarah Palin for helping intelligent women
realize they are intelligent first, women after.

Thanks for helping smart men appreciate
smart women more than ever before.

Thanks Sarah Palin for making George W.

look educated by comparison.

Thanks for making Cheney look saner -
at least he shoots at things at close range and
doesn't make couch covers from their bodies.

Thanks Sarah for not blaming us mortals for climate change -
None of us was around 6,000 years ago
when you believe the Earth was created...
How could we know what caused climate change?

Thanks Sarah.

For everything you do.

With everything you say,
you are a reminder
for every girl and every woman
of the choice inside each of us.

The choice...
to be a smart, savvy, self-aware human being
or to be
just another jackass, with lipstick.